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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Flyfishing Dullstroom - Private Syndicate

Having Fished all the Day Venues that Mavungana had to offer, Marc and I were invited to fish the Private Syndicate. It's situated 12km outside Dullstroom, a beautiful 6 Hectare, spring fed lake. The dam maintains a relatively constant level throughout the year. It is stocked with trophy trout and a local population of largemouth bass keep the trout well fed throughout the year, especially during the Autumn months when other aquatic insects become scarce. Research suggests that when trout grow in excess of 6-7lb, their diets adapt and around 70% of their diet comprises of small minnows. A large trout doesn't want to expend lots of energy eating tiny mayflies when an abundance of high-calorie bass fingerlings are basically served on a silver platter.

We found that large(#6-#8), olive and brown Mylar Zonkers worked exceptionally well, the trout smashed these bass imitations so hard that I eventually decided to use straight 12lb flourocarbon tippet after being repeatedly broken on the take as the fly was sinking through the inlet channel.

A large black and brown tungsten bead wooly bugger, combined with a #10 Papa Roach (Dragonfly Imitation) Fished with a New-Zealand style rig produced many fish in the shallows.
The visibility was around 2 feet, so patterns with a dark body for contrast, a thick hackle to push water and plenty of action produced the most trout. The tungsten-beaded Wooly Bugger with the marabou tail and a Pancora Wooly Bugger worked well. The wind and rain we encountered while fishing the Lake made it feel like fishing the Rio Grande in Argentina. It seemed though that as usual it was a case of 'the worse the weather, the better the fishing.' Casting with the wind into the inlet channel produced the largest fish, and the most savage strikes. A straight 10lb fluorocarbon tippet with an intermediate line is recommended. The channel is very deep, but only about 6 feet wide, be careful when wading across as, at some point, your feet will encounter an area devoid of structure and a swim in the icy waters will soon follow. Long casts down the channel with large Minnow and Dragonfly imitations seemed to grab the attention of the larger denizens of the Lake.

The evening rise on the Syndicate dam is incredible. Fish movement is scarce, but put an accurate cast about a meter infront of a boiling fish and you are guaranteed to connect to a sizable specimen. As darkness falls, a slow intermediate with two large, dark, unweighted flies stripped along the surface will produce some stunning takes. There are also a few Brown Trout around, which made a brief appearance while
Marc was fishing a dropoff with submerged tree structure. None of the trout caught were smaller than about 2lb, and the biggest was around 6lb, with many larger fish lost to the sheer strength of the Syndicate brutes.

When arriving at the dam, drive down to the wall and make a walk down the water's edge, past the gravel banks and all the way up the inlet, large swirls and boils will signify your arrival to the affectionately named ; Lunker bay. Submerged structure and a weeded inlet channel make this a surefire bet when fishing the lake for the first time. There are various smaller channels running through the weed, and a suitable Dragon or Damselfly imitation will rouse the interest of the Trout, and perhaps a bass or two.

Wading gear is highly recommended, and a float tube will be brilliant on the lake. I have always had my reservations about Syndicates. Some of them are merely glorified timeshare in an estate with a little stockie bashing thrown in, but the best of the Syndicates will blow you away with the sheer quality of the fish. The Mavungana Syndicate is most definitely the latter. For R2900 per year, you have unlimited access to the lake, 10% off anything in either of Mavungana's stores, and you can bring a mate to fish the lake at no charge.

Marc and I fished this lake in one of the busiest times of the year, over the Easter Weekend. Dullstroom was pumping with tourists and flyfishermen, yet we saw only one other Syndicate member and his mate fish the huge lake all Easter. For R240 per month, you get access to some of the very best stillwater trout fishing available around Dullstroom. The lake also has a very 'wild' feel to it, untrimmed grass with a massive lake, drop-offs, and endless structure makes the dam challenging and very rewarding to fish. Too many of the day fisheries have become too 'commercialized,' it's nice once in a while to fish a Lake that doesn't have perfectly trimmed hedges with white picket fences.

When fishing the lake, only barbless hooks with soft mesh nets are allowed. CAR is mandatory for Brown Trout, and most of the clients fishing the Syndicate advocate the use of Catch and Release for Rainbows. Syndicate members are presented with their own, numbered key for the gate, and are free to come and go as they please.

For more info on becoming a member of the Mavungana Syndicate Waters, contact the Dullstroom Store at 013 - 254 - 0270